
Find out more about the services we offer

Clinics and Services

Baby and Post-Natal Checks

The practice offers appointments to new mothers for a post-natal check and their newborn child for a baby check. This appointment will be with a GP between 6 to 8 weeks after the birth of the child. The practice will contact you if you are eligible for a post-natal check. The Practice requires that the baby is registered as soon as possible with the mother (if not registered yet) so we can provide the appropriate care and support in a timely manner. If your child is registered with the practice, is already 5 weeks old and you have not yet heard from the practice, please call reception on 0208 539 8950 to book an appointment.

Complete a registration form

Blood, Stool and Urine Tests

If you need to book a blood test that has been requested by a clinician, you can book at various sites within the borough by visiting the NELFT website

  • Glucose Tolerance Testing (GTT) is now by appointment only at Whipps Cross Hospital Outpatients department. Please telephone 0208 535 6464 or 0208 535 6682 for an appointment.
  • Children under the age of 10: please book online via swiftqueue and select children’s blood test option. 
  • For Urine and Stool (FIT) samples, please ensure that you drop off your sample at The Manor Practice between 8am to 9am Monday to Friday. Samples dropped off at the practice after 9am will be taken by the courier the following morning before 9am (except Fridays). Please do not drop off urine and stool samples after 9am on Fridays as we do not have a courier service on the weekend. If you are unable to drop off samples to the practice during the time periods stated above, please kindly drop your sample off to Whipps Cross University Hospital, Junction 2, 2nd floor to the pathology department (Whipps Cross Road, Leytonstone, London, E11 1NR).

Appointments for blood test can also be booked via Waltham Forest Federated GP Network. These appointments are offered in the evenings during the week and on Saturdays. Please call 0208 519 3999 between 9am and 9pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday.

If you are housebound and require a blood test, please call reception on 0208 539 8950 to arrange for our paramedic to visit you to take blood.

Cervical Smears

Cervical Cancer is diagnosed in many patients and can be severe if not diagnosed early.

All women and patients with a cervix between ages 25 to 64 are eligible for a cervical smear. Appointments for Cervical smears can be booked at reception, over the phone on 0208 539 8950 or via eConsult. This appointment would be provided by our female Practice Nurse. 

You can also book cervical smears with Waltham Forest Federated GP Network. These appointments are offered in the evenings during the week and on Saturdays. Please call 0208 519 3999 between 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday

Learn more about cervical smears on the NHS website

Childhood Immunisations

Immunisation and vaccination is important to protect against deadly viruses and infections. At the practice we can offer your child vital protection against any harmful virus and infection, should they ever get in contact with them.

Appointments for Childhood immunisations can be booked at reception, over the phone on 0208 539 8950 or via eConsult. This appointment would be provided by our Practice Nurse. 

You can also book childhood immunisations with Waltham Forest Federated GP Network. These appointments are offered in the evenings during the week and on Saturdays. Please call 0208 519 3999 between 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday.

If you are unsure about your child having any childhood immunisations, please book an appointment with the Practice Nurse to discuss the importance of being vaccinated.

Please see the NHS vaccination schedule

Covid Vaccination

Get information about COVID-19 vaccination, who can get it, and safety and side effects

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccinations on the NHS website

Flu Vaccination

Every year many patients get the flu and some are severely affected by it. At the practice if you are at risk of contracting the flu, you are eligible for a flu vaccine.

Flu vaccines are administered between September and March every year. flu vaccination can be booked at reception, over the phone on 0208 539 8950 or via eConsult. This appointment would be provided by our Practice Nurse, ANP (Advanced Nurse Practitioner), AHCA (Advanced Healthcare Assistant) or Paramedic.

If you are Housebound, we can arrange for our paramedic to visit you at home to administer the vaccine to you

Learn more about flu vaccinations on the NHS website

Health Checks

If you are aged 40 to 74 with no pre-existing conditions such as but not limited to Diabetes, a form of cardiovascular disease or chronic kidney disease, you are eligible for a free NHS health check.

Appointments for a health check can be booked at reception, over the phone on 0208 539 8950 or via eConsult. This appointment would be provided by our AHCA (Advanced Healthcare Assistant) or Paramedic.

Information about NHS health checks is available on the NHS website

Long Term Condition Reviews

If you are diagnosed with a Long-Term Condition (LTC), to ensure appropriate monitoring of your care you are eligible for a Long-Term Condition review. Depending on your condition, you may require to do blood tests, urine tests or scans as part of your routine monitoring. You may be on medication for your condition, and this may need to be reviewed depending on the results of your monitoring.

Normally, you should have a Long-Term Condition review every year. If you do not recall having one in the last year, please book an appointment at reception, over the phone on 0208 539 8950 or via eConsult. This appointment would be provided by our Clinical Pharmacists.

Mental Health Support

Not all conditions are noticeable, and it may not be easy to speak to someone about your mental health. At the practice we have a trained Mental Health Practitioner (MHP) who you can share your thoughts and feelings and they can advise you on the best course of action to support you with managing your mental health.

Appointments can be booked at reception, over the phone on 0208 539 8950 or via eConsult. This appointment would be provided by our Mental Health Practitioner.

If you have any concern of causing immediate harm to yourself or others, please go directly to Accident & Emergency (A&E) or call 999.

You can also call the Mental Health Crisis Team on 0300 555 1247 from 9:00am to 5:00pm or 0800 995 1000 (after hours). You can also visit the NELFT website.

If you would like to speak to someone else, you can self-refer yourself to Waltham Forest talking therapies on 0300 300 1554 or by visiting Waltham Forest Talking Therapies.

Other Immunisations

The practice also offers many other vaccinations and immunisations depending on if you are at higher risk of contracting the disease. These vaccinations can include: Shingles, Pneumococcal, RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus), Travel vaccines (Men ACWY) and Hep B. Please ask reception for more information.


If you have issues or pain in your joints, muscle or bones (musculoskeletal - MSK), we have physiotherapists who can see you in practice and provide you with exercises to manage your pain better or provide onward referrals for scans such as x-rays or MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

Appointments with our First Contact Physiotherapist can be booked at reception, over the phone on 0208 539 8950 or via eConsult.

Referrals to Secondary Care and Diagnostic Tests

Sometimes, a clinician in the practice may need you to have a test or scan first to confirm the diagnosis of whatever you have presented with. If it is outside of the clinician’s remit, they may refer as a routine referral for you to see a consultant in hospital or in the community for an expert opinion. If your test, scan or presenting issue is abnormal and fits the criteria, you may be referred under the 2-week-wait pathway for urgent assessment/review. For any referral into hospital or community, you would need to book an appointment with the appropriate clinician first.

Please discuss this with the reception team who would be able to advise you further.

Social Prescribing

Not all issues you present may be clinical, nor do they need clinical intervention. Some issues you present may have arisen from a social issue. Our Social Prescribers can support you in a holistic way to help you manage your social issues and signpost you to the correct service provider. Their name may be misleading as they are a prescriber of social support. The Social Prescriber is unable to prescribe any medication or refer you for diagnostic tests/treatment.

Appointments with a Social Prescriber can be booked at reception, over the phone on 0208 539 8950 or via eConsult.

Stitch Removal

If you have undergone a procedure and have stitches in place, you would have been given a time frame post procedure to have these taken out. Sometimes the clinic where your procedure is done would have an onward referral to the tissue viability clinic to have your stitches taken out. Sometimes, it will be the responsibility of the practice to refer you to the tissue viability clinic to have your stitches taken out. If this is the case, you do not need an appointment, and we would normally do this once we receive a clinic letter from where your procedure was done. If you have not heard anything from the Tissue Viability Clinic regarding the removal of your stitches, please contact the practice on 0208 539 8950.

Wound Checks

If you have undergone a procedure where a dressing has been applied, you would have been given a time frame post procedure to have these dressings changed until your wound has healed. Normally, we would wait to receive a clinic letter from where your procedure was done and book you in for an appointment with the Practice Nurse at a mutually suitable time to have your wound cleaned and dressing applied. If you have not heard anything form the practice regarding the change of your dressing, please call the practice on 0208 539 8950.

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